Premiere Products

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[products_price_5] => 43.2700 [products_price_6] => 68.1500 [date_added] => 2008-12-10 15:40:42 [last_modified] => 2022-12-02 09:10:18 [date_available] => [products_weight] => 0.0800 [products_status] => 1 [products_tax_class_id] => 1 [product_template] => [product_list_template] => [manufacturers_id] => 1 [products_ordered] => 0 [products_transactions] => 0 [products_fsk18] => 0 [products_vpe] => [products_vpe_status] => 0 [products_vpe_value] => 0.0000 [products_unit] => 39 [products_average_rating] => 0.0000 [products_rating_count] => 0 [products_digital] => 0 [flag_has_specials] => [products_serials] => 0 [total_downloads] => 0 [products_canonical_master] => 0 [language_code] => de [reload_st] => 0 [products_name] => SKIN ILLUSTRATOR LIQUID 59ml [products_description] => [products_short_description] => [products_keywords] => [products_url] => [products_store_id] => 1 [hair_farbgruppe] => [hair_farbe] => [hair_farbkarte] => [hair_bueffelhaar] => [hair_eurohaar] => [hair_euromischhaar] => [hair_exporthaar] => [hair_angorahaar] => [url_md5] => 236291cba1c5998cd670919a42efd5f2 [url_text] => de/1020487/skin-illustrator-liquid-59ml [link_type] => 1 [link_id] => 64366 [meta_title] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [store_id] => 1 [products_link] => [products_tax_rate] => 20 [products_tax_info] => Array ( [tax] => 20 [tax_desc] => inkl. 20 % MwSt. ) [products_unit_name] => Stück [products_shipping_link] => [stock_image] => Array ( [name] => Sofort versandfähig, ausreichende Stückzahl [image] => rule_1.png ) [allow_add_cart] => false [slaves_attributes] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [products_id] => 64394 [attributes_id] => 15254 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => death flesh [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => death flesh [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [1] => Array ( [products_id] => 64915 [attributes_id] => 14513 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => rose adjuster [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => rose adjuster [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [2] => Array ( [products_id] => 64403 [attributes_id] => 15250 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => cajun red [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => cajun red [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [3] => Array ( [products_id] => 64404 [attributes_id] => 15259 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => olive adjuster 2 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => olive adjuster 2 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [4] => Array ( [products_id] => 64387 [attributes_id] => 14547 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => vein tone [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => vein tone [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [5] => Array ( [products_id] => 64375 [attributes_id] => 310 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => black [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => black [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [6] => Array ( [products_id] => 64374 [attributes_id] => 2947 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => white [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => white [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [7] 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) [10] => Array ( [products_id] => 64371 [attributes_id] => 790 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => natural 1 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => natural 1 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [11] => Array ( [products_id] => 64408 [attributes_id] => 15246 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => bruce [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => bruce [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [12] => Array ( [products_id] => 64407 [attributes_id] => 15265 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => Rose Adjuster 2 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => Rose Adjuster 2 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [13] => Array ( [products_id] => 64406 [attributes_id] => 15258 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => lividity [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => lividity [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [14] => Array ( [products_id] => 64370 [attributes_id] => 2731 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => sand [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => sand [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [15] => Array ( [products_id] => 64398 [attributes_id] => 3461 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => bamboo 1 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => bamboo 1 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [16] => Array ( [products_id] => 64397 [attributes_id] => 15242 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => aged black [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => aged black [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [17] => Array ( [products_id] => 64393 [attributes_id] => 15245 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => bone [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => bone [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [18] => Array ( [products_id] => 64392 [attributes_id] => 15257 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => ghastly [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => ghastly [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [19] => Array ( [products_id] => 64388 [attributes_id] => 3129 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => midnight brown [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => midnight brown [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [20] => Array ( [products_id] => 64389 [attributes_id] => 15850 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => espresso-copper [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => espresso-copper [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [21] => Array ( [products_id] => 64390 [attributes_id] => 15264 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => red oxide [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => red oxide [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [22] => Array ( [products_id] => 64391 [attributes_id] => 15249 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => burnt sienna [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => burnt sienna [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [23] => Array ( [products_id] => 64368 [attributes_id] => 15266 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => rotten stone [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => rotten stone [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [24] => Array ( [products_id] => 64383 [attributes_id] => 2985 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => aged blood [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => aged blood [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [25] => Array ( [products_id] => 64382 [attributes_id] => 14531 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => blood tone [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => blood tone [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [26] => Array ( [products_id] => 64381 [attributes_id] => 15252 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => coral adjuster [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => coral adjuster [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [27] => Array ( [products_id] => 64380 [attributes_id] => 14540 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => lao 2 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => lao 2 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [28] => Array ( [products_id] => 64377 [attributes_id] => 15267 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => soot [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => soot [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [29] => Array ( [products_id] => 64376 [attributes_id] => 6816 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => ultra blue [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => ultra blue [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [30] => Array ( [products_id] => 64367 [attributes_id] => 15255 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => DIN [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => DIN [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [31] => Array ( [products_id] => 64400 [attributes_id] => 15260 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => powder (fumo) [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => powder (fumo) [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [32] => Array ( [products_id] => 64399 [attributes_id] => 15244 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => bamboo 2 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => bamboo 2 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [33] => Array ( [products_id] => 66762 [attributes_id] => 16092 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => Dusty Rose [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => Dusty Rose [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [34] => Array ( [products_id] => 64379 [attributes_id] => 1236 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => lao 1 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => lao 1 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [35] => Array ( [products_id] => 64396 [attributes_id] => 15253 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => dark brün [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => dark brün [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [36] => Array ( [products_id] => 64369 [attributes_id] => 15261 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => prarie dust [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => prarie dust [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [37] => Array ( [products_id] => 64395 [attributes_id] => 3418 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => chocolate [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => chocolate [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [38] => Array ( [products_id] => 64385 [attributes_id] => 15262 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => prime red [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => prime red [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [39] => Array ( [products_id] => 64378 [attributes_id] => 1733 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => rice paper [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => rice paper [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [40] => Array ( [products_id] => 64405 [attributes_id] => 15263 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => prime yellow [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => prime yellow [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [41] => Array ( [products_id] => 64386 [attributes_id] => 15248 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => burnt orange [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => burnt orange [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [42] => Array ( [products_id] => 64384 [attributes_id] => 15247 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => bruise tone [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => bruise tone [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [43] => Array ( [products_id] => 64402 [attributes_id] => 15256 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => espresso 2 [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => espresso 2 [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [44] => Array ( [products_id] => 64425 [attributes_id] => 6595 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => green [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => green [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [45] => Array ( [products_id] => 64426 [attributes_id] => 15271 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => Cedar Brown [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => Cedar Brown [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) [46] => Array ( [products_id] => 66763 [attributes_id] => 16040 [attributes_parent_id] => 1 [attributes_parent] => 1 [attributes_model] => pastell yellow [attributes_image] => [sort_order] => 0 [status] => 1 [attributes_templates_id] => [language_code] => de [attributes_name] => pastell yellow [attributes_desc] => [attributes_templates_name] => ) ) ) 1
Array ( [products_id] => 62293 [external_id] => [permission_id] => [products_owner] => 1 [products_ean] => [products_quantity] => 10000.00 [products_average_quantity] => 0 [products_shippingtime] => [products_model] => 1020485 [products_options_flag] => 0 [products_options_active_flag] => 0 [products_master_model] => [products_master_flag] => 0 [products_image_from_master] => [products_option_template] => [products_option_list_template] => [products_option_master_price] => [products_master_slave_order] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_all] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_1] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_2] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_3] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_4] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_5] => 0 [price_flag_graduated_6] => 0 [products_sort] => 0 [products_image] => product:g1020485.jpg [products_price] => Array ( [formated] => EUR 126,66 [plain] => 126.66 [plain_otax] => 105.55 [sketch_show_price] => 1 ) [products_price_2] => 105.5500 [products_price_3] => 151.9700 [products_price_4] => 94.9800 [products_price_5] => 105.5500 [products_price_6] => 166.2100 [date_added] => 2016-07-01 00:00:00 [last_modified] => 2022-12-02 09:10:18 [date_available] => [products_weight] => 0.1600 [products_status] => 1 [products_tax_class_id] => 1 [product_template] => [product_list_template] => [manufacturers_id] => 1 [products_ordered] => 0 [products_transactions] => 0 [products_fsk18] => 0 [products_vpe] => [products_vpe_status] => 0 [products_vpe_value] => 0.0000 [products_unit] => 39 [products_average_rating] => 0.0000 [products_rating_count] => 0 [products_digital] => 0 [flag_has_specials] => [products_serials] => 0 [total_downloads] => 0 [products_canonical_master] => 0 [language_code] => de [reload_st] => 0 [products_name] => SKIN ILLUSTRATOR MARDI GRAS [products_description] => zu jeder Bestellung GRATIS Blond & Braun Activator 50ml [products_short_description] => [products_keywords] => [products_url] => [products_store_id] => 1 [hair_farbgruppe] => [hair_farbe] => [hair_farbkarte] => [hair_bueffelhaar] => [hair_eurohaar] => [hair_euromischhaar] => [hair_exporthaar] => [hair_angorahaar] => [url_md5] => 03519df4e804bba65d79913b9e2934da [url_text] => de/1020485/skin-illustrator-mardi-gras [link_type] => 1 [link_id] => 62293 [meta_title] => [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [store_id] => 1 [products_link] => [products_tax_rate] => 20 [products_tax_info] => Array ( [tax] => 20 [tax_desc] => inkl. 20 % MwSt. ) [products_unit_name] => Stück [products_shipping_link] => [stock_image] => Array ( [name] => Sofort versandfähig, ausreichende Stückzahl [image] => rule_1.png ) [allow_add_cart] => true [products_master_flag_new] => 0 ) 1



EUR 126,66

inkl. 20 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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EUR 136,45

inkl. 20 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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EUR 46,68

inkl. 20 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

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